Romantic Suspense and Thriller Author

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8 Lessons Learnt from Writing ‘A Vineyard for Two’

8 Lessons Learnt from Writing ‘A Vineyard for Two’

Writing ‘A Vineyard for Two’ was stepping outside my comfort zone. While I love watching a good romance movie (give those corny and predictable Hallmark ones or Christmas specials any day), a friend and I meet up every month or two and spend Friday night drinking wine and watching the cheesy ones (and trust me, most of them are), but we love it. They are predictable and a good laugh sometimes. If nothing else, we had an opportunity to catch up over a movie. If it’s really bad we just talk over it and use it as background noise.

When I was a teenager, I read all sorts of books. From the Sweet Valley High and Nancy Drew series to Danielle Steele and Stephen King. I was a voracious reader of anything I could get my hands on, but writing romance was never really on the radar.

Who would have thought that 20+ years later, I’d be writing a romance series set in the stunning region of the Granite Belt? A murder mystery, maybe (that’s coming soon too!), but not romance. Yet, here we are.

8 Lessons Learned from Writing ‘A Vineyard for Two’

The setting is a character

If you’re setting your book in a vineyard, it has to play a crucial role.

When I first started writing, I set my stories in faraway places like Europe and America. My own backyard didn’t seem interesting to me. Unfortunately, the faraway places were never going to be as authentic because I wasn’t there to experience the details – taste, smell, sound, feel, and everything in between.

Setting matters. It is a character in your story and it will assist or hinder your characters.

That’s not to say you cannot write about faraway places. Of course you can. We live in the age where information is accessible with the click of a button, you can immerse yourself in books, movies, podcasts, and documentaries to learn about a setting. Often that’s enough or the only option, but when you have an opportunity to explore the place your books are set in, take the opportunity and immerse yourself.

Romance requires a formula to work

Formulas may sound boring but look at any book or movie, any story for that matter in any genre, and if it works, it follows a formula. The trick is to make the formula interesting by adding your fresh spin to it.

A romance is supposed to be predictable in its ending. The two love interests must end up together otherwise it’s not a romance. The originality comes from setting, character, interests, personalities, combination of events, and everything in between. So while yes, your two main love interests need either a ‘happily for now’ or ‘happily ever after’ scenario.

You can have the same formula, even the same place and plot, but give it to two different writers and you’re going to get two completely different stories. Try it with a writer friend. Get a short story prompt, give yourself thirty minutes to write, then swap stories, and see what I mean.

You have to enjoy what you are writing

There’s no point in writing a story if you’re going to hate it. If you’re choosing to write something, write what you love. If you love reading romance, there’s a chance that you’re going to enjoy writing it too. As a reader of the genre, you’ll also understand the necessary elements to make a romance story work.

You need to please yourself first because you are going to be spending a lot of time with your characters, the setting and your story. If you don’t enjoy it, your readers aren’t likely to either.

Research makes writing so much more fun

Researching online is one thing but actually getting out to your setting and experiencing the tastes, smell, touch, sight, can add so much more authenticity – and it gives you an excuse for a getaway!

I can’t remember the last time I had fun writing a novel as I did when writing ‘A Vineyard for Two’. A lot of the fun had to do with being able to visit the setting of the story and enjoy the delights the town had to offer. It certainly helps that the Granite Belt region is one of my favourite places to visit. I love the wine, the country air, and the lovely people.

Talking to people is a great way to research your story. You can find so many interesting tidbits that you might not come across at in books or online. Find every opportunity you can to chat to people, ask questions, and be interested. People love talking about themselves and if they see that you are genuinely interested in what they have to say, they will open up and tell you all sorts of fascinating things – maybe even some juicy details that can be incorporated into your books!

Intertwining plot points makes for a more engaging story

Your story needs the main plot – in romance that’s generally will the two love interests get together in the end. But in between something interesting has to be happening. The characters need to be three dimensional. They have families, pets, friends, jobs, interests, a past. You don’t have to include all the elements but you have to include some.

There’s nothing more dull in a romance story which only centres around two characters. You need a plot to deepen their attraction to each other and keep the reader’s attention. Without it, it’s like cooking up a soup and forgetting to add in the spices – boring and bland.

Nothing can happen at random

Your scenes need to add up to a coherent whole. If something happens at the start it needs to make sense in the end. Often you won’t know what needs to go in the beginning to make sense in the end so you go back to writing your first few chapters, planting seeds for readers to discover.

The start of the book asks questions, as the story progresses, some questions get answered, while new ones creep up, but it all has to make sense and be connected in some way, even if the reader doesn’t see the connection until the very end.

You have to love (or at least like) writing

I enjoy having been written as much as I enjoy writing.

It’s not just about having a finished product but coming up with a story idea and developing the kernel into a gem that ends up in a 60,000-80,000 word book that someone will read and enjoy.

I don’t mind staring at the blank page and thinking up troubles for my characters. I like the beginning of the story as much as I love the ending – it’s the middle that gets me. However, if I know where I’m going and there is action on the page, then even the middle can be fun.

If you don’t love writing itself, why are you doing it in the first place? There are much easier and more lucrative professions out there for you.

A lot of writers are going to dabble with AI, but please don’t let AI write your books. Use it as a tool to improve as a writer, to get ideas, to brainstorm, or boost your marketing efforts, but remember to always write your own book. You are a writer after all, aren’t you?

Not everyone is going to love what you write

I relearn this with every book I write. Just because you love it doesn’t mean all your family, friends, or fans are going to love it. In fact, it’s likely that most of your family and friends aren’t even going to give your book a second glance.

Chances are that there will be a lot of people who don’t like what you’ve written. That’s their problem not yours (provided you’ve done everything right and produced a book that has a great cover, good editing, and a compelling story).

You cannot please everybody and you shouldn’t have to.

Please yourself, and then aim to please your target audience (no, your target audience is not everyone).

I write what I love to write and read. However, I still think about my target audience. When it comes to my romance books, they’re female readers between the ages of 25 – 65, who enjoy a good romance with some plot, mild steam, and a touch of suspense. Does that mean readers outside these brackets won’t read my books? Of course not, but if I was doing paid advertising, this is who I would aim it at.

Am I guaranteed this group will love what I’ve written? Let’s not be ridiculous. Of course not. There will always be a group who are not satisfied or the book didn’t hit the mark for. But you don’t dwell on it. You go work on the next book and make improvements wherever you can.

As writers, we are always learning something new. It’s one of the things I love about being an author. Each book I write and every story I pen, teaches me something new and makes me realise there is still so much I have to learn, and so much more I want to discover.

What lessons have you learnt from writing your latest book?

First Financial Year Author-Entreprenuer Income & Expenses

First Financial Year Author-Entreprenuer Income & Expenses

201Why am I sharing my earnings with you? If you haven’t noticed already the online world is rather transparent. I like that. Money shouldn’t be a taboo topic. If you work hard you’re going to earn more. I read about bloggers making tens of thousands a month and I’m inspired and motivated to do the same one day.

The regular earnings and expense updates are a way to stay accountable to my goals, keep a record, and share my journey with you.

The Australian Financial Year runs from July 1 to June 30, which means that it’s tax time in my part of the world. I like this time of year, generally, I’m pleased to find I get a decent tax refund. I’m sure if I had to pay June 30 and I would not be friends.

Unfortunately, June wasn’t the best month for income but I did sell a few books, so that’s great. I also hired a VA to help me out with a few things and am trialling a new editor for book 4 of my Lexi Ryder Crime Thriller Series which I hope to have out by the end of August.

To stay organised I keep folders for each financial year and I’ve also started a separate one for my business. It’s all under a sole trader. I don’t need the expense and complication of having a company (or corporation) just yet. Keeping things under my name, tax file number and business number is enough.

My record keeping isn’t fancy. I have a spreadsheet I use for my income, expenses, pitch submissions, blog schedule, etc.


2015/16 Earnings = $955.76 (freelancing, paraplanning, book sales)

2015/16 Expenses = $2,604.94 (this includes personal development courses, business coaching, editing and cover design. It does not include stationery, internet or home office charges).
(Obviously, I also earn money from my day job which I don’t include here but it does pay the bills at home!)


Not enough. Marketing and pitching were not high on the priority list this year. That obviously is going to change. Year one was more of a test run to see whether I’m interested in this gig long term. Yes, yes, I am.

I submitted 53 pitches, so about one pitch per week.
I had 24 responses.
I received 5 assignments and 1 sponsored post.
I sold 77 books and gave away 1210 books.
I’ve set up some affiliates but haven’t done much promotion. (You can’t make much money with affiliates if you don’t have traffic coming in!)
My website stats are small but I have big plans for the next financial year.

Screen Shot 2016-08-01 at 9.32.02 pm

My expenses are 2.5x that of my income. Which sucks but that’s my fault. Not enough pitching and not enough marketing. I wasn’t going to do this post, the figures are embarrassing. But I want you to see that it’s not all rosy profits in the online world, not unless you’re really willing to work your butt off. I didn’t calculate all the hours I’ve put in but on average I can say that I’ve worked about 10 – 15 hours per week (approx. 624 hours per year) on my side business. Unfortunately, it wasn’t smart work. I’ve reassessed and I’m going to make sure financial year 2 is profitable.

2016/17 Financial Year Goal

Make at least $10,000 in writing income from a combination of book sales, freelancing, blogging and affiliates.

Freelancing & Taxes: Make Friends With Your Accountant And You Won’t Have To Worry Come Audit Time

Freelancing & Taxes: Make Friends With Your Accountant And You Won’t Have To Worry Come Audit Time

writerly pursuits-2There are only two certainties in life: death and taxes’ – Benjamin Franklin

For Australians, tax time is here.

Have you been a good record keeper the past twelve months?

While the chances of you being audited are slim Murphy’s Law says you’ll get audited just after you get lazy with your taxes. Just get it done right the first time and then sleep easy for the rest of the year.

The last thing you want to do is end up with a massive tax bill at the end of the financial year or the ATO (Australia) , HMRC (UK) or IRS (USA) or the equivalent in your country, knocking at your door demanding their money.

If you’re running a business you need to pay taxes. If it’s a hobby then you should be ok. But how do you know whether yours is a business or a hobby?

Good question.

It doesn’t come down to just how much money you bring in but also how you conduct yourself on a day to day basis.

Some questions to consider:

Do you have a business and marketing plan?
Is your intention to make a profit/run a business?
Are you putting in specific hours each week to work?
Are you selling your work for a profit or just to cover costs?
Do you promote your work?

If your intention is to turn a profit, then it’s likely that you are running a business.

Each country has different tax/business laws so make sure that you check out the rules and regulations for your area. Your best best is to give the taxation office a call or speak to a qualified accountant.

In Australia, the ATO website has an easy to use questionnaire that you can use to help you decide whether your venture will be treated as a hobby or as a business. You can check out the questionnaire here.

UK – Working for yourself?

US – Starting a business?

If you’re in Australia as I am, June 30 is the end of the financial year. Australians have till the 31 October to file their tax returns unless they’re registered with a tax agent.

Hopefully, you’ve overpaid rather than underpaid so they can get a nice refund to spend on a holiday or more books and stationery to fill their shelves. It’s like getting a little bonus without doing the extra work!


If you’re a writer/author/freelancer who makes money and intends to make a profit rather than just to cover your expenses then you should speak to an accountant to ensure you are deducting the right things.

I love deductions. It’s all those little things that can reduce your tax bill significantly. Charity donations are the most common deductions that people use. Have you given money away to charity this year? Make sure that you keep a receipt for everything you’ve donated over $2. You can claim it at tax time.

As a writer making a dime you might be able to claim the following:

Toner and paper
Notebooks and pens
Internet connection
Editor, VA and cover designers costs
Business Coaching
Professional development courses
A percentage of your phone bill

(I’m not a tax professional so this is just general advice. Speak to an accountant in your area who can assess your needs based on your activities and location. Different countries, different rules!)

Plan ahead

If you’re working for yourself then you’re probably already putting away a portion of your income to cover taxes. If you have a full time job and freelance on the side you should also be putting cash away for the tax man to collect.

* Put away at least 20% for taxes from your first payment
* Get an ABN (Australian Business Number) or the equivalent in your country. In Australia if you don’t have the ABN 49% of your income could be sent straight to the tax office.
*Do you need to register for GST (Goods & Services Tax)? If you’re earning under $75K then probably not. Planning on earning more? Check with your accountant.
*Keep all your receipts – you need to prove what you’re spending and deducting
*Record all your income and expenditure – you can click here to see what I use
*Maintain an invoice system
*Get an accountant!

If you’re not sure as to how much tax you should be paying each year, start putting aside 30% until you speak with an accountant. If you are able to forecast how much you anticipate earning then check out the tax brackets that apply to you. If your earnings fall below $18,200 (in Australia) then you won’t be paying any tax. If you plan on earning $35K, then start putting aside 20%, $80K, 35%, over $150K aim for 45% just to be on the safe side.

In the second year, the ATO will tell you how much you need to pay quarterly based on the previous year’s earnings. If you anticipate on earning more, make sure you put that little bit extra away so not to get bitten with a nasty tax bill come tax time. Your best bet is to speak to an accountant so they can advice you based on your personal circumstances. Their fee will be tax deductible the following financial year so keep your receipt!

No body likes paying taxes. Unfortunately, if you’re earning an income paying tax is inevitable.

How do you handle tax time? What are some things that you are able to deduct? Do you use an accountant or do you do your own?

Should You Write A Book?

Should You Write A Book?

7 Reasons to Write a Book
There are more than a million books being published each so why in the world would you want to add your own to the bunch? But the thing is, if you really want to write a book, you probably should.

You may think its been said before, and yes, it probably has, but that doesn’t mean you said it, with your experience behind it, with a fresh perspective on it.

Pick up the latest issue of your favourite magazine and then find one from the year before. Take stock of the articles in each. Do they sound familiar? The same even? Yep, that’s right. Whether it’s health and fitness, gardening or cooking, real estate or parenting, the ideas are mostly the same, they simply have a different slant to them.

The same goes with books.

Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction you will not find a book that is original. There are no more original ideas. Just fresh takes.

Romance books are all the same. Two people meet, they want to be together but there are multiple situations or people that get in their way, and then finally at the end they end up together.

Mysteries are generally solving a puzzle of who and why.

Books for writers generally repeat themselves but there’s no shortage of them coming out on a regular basis. The information is all the same just regurgitated in a different fashion.

Motivation books. Have you read the gurus in the field? I’ve found that most of their books end up sounding pretty much the same and yet people buy them. Love them. Recommend them to friends and neighbours.

Competition is good. But the good thing with books is that there’s no a limit as to how many you are able to read. That’s why there’s room for writers and authors of both fiction and non-fiction to find an audience for their work.

7 reasons why you should write a book:

1. A book can help you build a professional brand.

As a business, having a book on the market gives you a more authoritative voice. People will consider you and your business as an expert in the field that you are writing in.

2. A book can help increase your market reach.

A book will increase your market reach especially if it’s available from your website and any of the publishing platforms including Amazon, Kobo, iBooks, etc. If you want to reach more people with your business, writing a book might be a good option for you.

3. A book is a product that you can sell for many years.

You own the rights and can earn royalties until you die, which then they get turned over to your estate. Your book can continue earning even for up to 70 years after the authors/artists death.

4. A book is an additional income stream.

if you’re successful. While you should rely on one book to bring home the bacon, you will find that after book three you will start seeing more sales come through. Having a book, or better still, multiple books on the market, can be an investment for your financial future. A risky one, and not one you should rely on, but an investment nonetheless.

5. A book can be a sentimental keepsake for your family.

On a more personal note, it can be something you can pass on to family and friends. A keepsake of sorts, a sentimental piece of you.

6. A book may teach you something new. 

Often the idea of ‘write what you know’ gets flipped around, but a better one is to ‘write what you want to know’. A book can give you an excuse to research all sorts of topics from forensic psychology or marketing tactics, to religion or the mafia.

7. You’re accomplishing a goal.

To prove to yourself that you can do it. Writing a book is simple but it’s far from easy. It requires time, dedication, small sacrifices and self-motivation. Trying to put on paper what’s in your head over three hundred pages whilst keeping the reader interested is hard work.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book. It’s an item on your bucket list that you really want ticked off. Just go for it. Don’t wait for permission from anyone else. You might surprise yourself as to what actually comes out.

Having a book on the market can lead to many opportunities including meeting new people, travelling the world, public speaking, a new career, and so much more.

Have you written a book? Is it something you’ve ever thought about doing?

May Progress Report & June Goals

May Progress Report & June Goals

May came, May went.May Progress Report & June Goals (1)

We won’t see May for another year. It’s been a surprisingly warm one for the sunny Gold Coast. It’s the end of Autumn at this part of the world but the temps have been sitting in the mid-20’s and dropping down to 15 at night (Celsius not Fahrenheit).

How was your May? Did you achieve your goals? Is there anything you wish you did differently that you’ll try in June?

May didn’t go according to plan. I set high expectations and,well, life including work, parenting, training for a marathon, exhaustion, socialising and a holiday got in the way of getting everything done. Ok, ok, I know, these are just excuses.

My main goal for May was to publish my third book, a novella, Lethal Aftershock. And I did that.

My secondary goal was to relax and have fun on my holiday to Fiji. I definitely did that. Maybe a little too much.

I took my laptop to get some writing done in between the sunbathing, drinking, running after my son in and out of the pool, paddle boarding, catching up on reading, eating and sleeping. Who was I kidding, I was in Fiji! Other than a few notes and questions that need to be answered in the next book, I didn’t do any writing until I got on the return flight and my brain started to work again.

Rest is a necessity. Sometimes working throughout a holiday is fantastic, at other times you need to stop, think about nothing and reset your brain. That’s what I did and it was worth it.

I’ve returned refreshed and ready to get back to work. I have learnt that I need to have a break otherwise I will burn out. My day job is mentally draining as is writing books. One deals with numbers, the other creativity. the end of the day, I am knackered.

I’ve found exercise is the best way to separate the two. A quick run or some weight training works wonders and makes the transition from day job to writing much smoother. If you need to jump from different activities a bit of exercise can make you more productive.

These were my goals for May, how did I fare. I’ll give myself a 5.5/10.

May Goals & Progress Report

  1. Publish Lethal Aftershock – YES!
  2. Write and schedule two months of blog posts. – YES!
  3. Send out 30 pitches. – No 🙁 Didn’t send any in May.
  4. Affiliates. No 🙁
  5. Run more. YES! Running about 3 times per week!
  6. Sell and giveaway 500 books. No 🙁 I gave away 18 and sold 8.
  7. Get 20 email sign ups. No 🙁 Currently sitting on 9.

The giveaway was a surprise. The last time I ran a free giveaway, I offloaded over 100 books without any promotions. 18 is a very disappointing number and I’m wondering what went wrong. I think the day I ran the promotion has something to do with it as did my lack of marketing.

This time around I ran the two-day giveaway on Monday and Tuesday. The only promo I did was mention it on Twitter once. The purpose of the giveaway is to attract readers and without marketing that just ain’t going to happen. Writing and they will come is not a good marketing strategy.

My first year was all about writing. The second year will be a combination of writing and marketing. I have grand goals, the only ones that are actually within my control are the productivity output. I control how much I write and what I write.

Writing is solitary but selling is a social activity. You need to connect with people in order to be successful.

Build relationships, help others, be of use, and quit bullshitting yourself.

Business By The Numbers In May 2016

Queries sent: 0

Responses: 0

Accepted: 0

Follow ups: 0

Income: $0

Books sold: 8 (Australia, US and Germany)

Books Given Away: 18

Income: $ $8.94

Total writing income: $8.94

June Goals

  1. Finish writing Lethal Attraction, the fourth book in the Lexi Ryder Crime Thriller series. I’ve got the skeleton down, now I just need to flesh the story out.
  2. Try Facebook ads. My initial budget will be $100.
  3. Be active on Goodreads. That’s very broad. I need to connect with more people (aiming for 10 in June). I also would like to join a discussion group. To date my usage involves adding books to my ‘to read’ list, writing reviews of books I really enjoy, etc.
  4. Finish the preliminary draft of a non-fiction book – Writerly Pursuits – this is a book for writers.
  5. Sell 100 books. This would be a sweet number. In order to do so, I need to work on my marketing skills!
  6. Submit 30 pitches for non-fiction work – personal finance, health & fitness, parenting, business, etc. Time to earn some extra cash to cover the costs of cover design and editing of book number four.
  7. Translate chapter one of Lethal Instincts into Polish. This is a personal goal. I want to prove to myself that I can do it. Fortunately the first chapter is nice and short!
  8. Start being more active in my social media groups. Comment on Facebook groups, be supportive of other writers, get onto Twitter and Instagram. The aim is to spend 5-10 minutes a day on each social media platform.
  9. Comment on three writers websites three times per week.
  10. Try my hand at podcasting/skype interview. I have someone I want to interview, and they have agreed to it. I’m about two months behind schedule and hoping they can still fit me in. So I need to figure out how to record on Skype, boost my confidence, and get interviewing!
  11. Get 20 email sign ups. This is a repeat from last month. Having an email list is very important, you just don’t know when platforms like Amazon are going to change their rules.

How was your May?

Did you achieve your personal and business goals?

Lethal Aftershock Now Available On Amazon!

Lethal Aftershock Now Available On Amazon!

Lethal Aftershock Thumb-2

Book 3 (a novella) in the Lexi Ryder Crime Thriller series is now available on Amazon. You can buy it here!

Lies. Truth. Deception.
Lexi Ryder doesn’t know who she can trust. Still searching for a killer that refuses to be found; a man protected by those closest to her.
Will Lexi’s curiosity get her in more trouble than it’s worth?
One wrong move and a life will end. One decision will change Lexi’s life forever.